Wednesday, February 25, 2015


sometimes silence is better.

sometimes the words that can't be heard are felt.

sometimes what you see isn't what you get. 

sometimes feelings are hard to understand but somehow everyone knows. 

sometimes that thought of change is scary. 

sometimes the thought of "what if" is scary.

sometimes the thought of the future is scary. 

sometimes a heart's beat is the best song. 

-- i know that sometimes isn't always and maybe is mostly no but there are just a few things that i DO know for certain...

He is always faithful.

He never leaves me alone.

He watches over me ever so closely.

He leads my footsteps and knows every wrong move before it happens.

He hears my faintest whispers.

He feels what I feel in the deepest of ways.

He understands the confusion that I can't even begin to describe.

-- no matter what comes and goes in this life, i know that He will always be. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

BOO! (gotcha!)

im baaaaack!

Well hello world! Yes,  I know I've been away for quite some time but I have decided that it's time to return. 

I will be posting about some things on this blog that I've been pondering && I will be open to suggestions. Please feel free to post comments or shoot me a message or text me to let me know what you would like to read my edge on. 

Keep your eyes peeled along with your hearts and minds open. It's time to get real & my eyes have never been as receptive or observant as they are now. 

Let's go!!!! ✌️😜


#imready #nowornever #neweyes

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

WELCOME TO 2014!! 

this is the beginning of a new year. a new chance. time to pick back up that old instrument. time to regain control of your life. this...this is the time to get it all done. why now? because it's the best time. if you dont do it now then when would you do it. 

my goals are focused on moving things forward. my life. deciding to make better decisions as to what will benefit my future. sure, it sounds selfish. I'm sorry for that but I've come to realize, through quite a bit of help, that I can't help or do anything for anyone else if I don't do anything to help myself. 

as I write this to encourage you, I am sorry I can't divulge all the details as of yet but I'm ready for change & I'm ready to take the leap. I hope that this year brings you lots of joy. hope. peace. adventure. love. && most of all, greater chances to dive head first for your dreams. 

dream big!! 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

I'm thankful....

I'm thankful for my family
I'm thankful for my Jesus & the blood that he shed so I could be His
I'm thankful that I have friends that care
I'm thankful that I'm not alone in this world no matter how much I may feel like I am
I'm thankful that my tears don't fall in vain
I'm thankful for a Heavenly Father that makes up for every last bit of pain & disappointment 
I'm thankful that the only title I ever have to live up to is "Daughter"
I'm thankful for the mentors God has given me; whether or not they know that they are 
I'm thankful for a family that let's me live in their house until I'm financially stable 
I'm thankful that I do not have to spend this day alone 
I'm thankful that there is always room for improvement 
I'm thankful for a decent job
I'm thankful for life
I'm thankful for my fuzzy blanket & my jean jacket
I'm thankful for my car 
I'm thankful for my phone & my music
I'm thankful that my boldness no longer is buried deep within 

-- my heart is overwhelmed with things that I am thankful for, as you can see. tonight I needed to vent. I remembered this page existed at one point. my heart...happy. my life...blessed. my eyes...full of tears. 

-- they must be tears of joy you say? sure...we can say that. but that's not all. joy. pain. happiness. disappointment. hurt. confusion. do I enjoy that? no! of course not. but I can't help the way I feel. I don't even know why. I'm a human. a young woman with a heart that beats & a mind that races. a voice that carries loudly & a laugh that follows suit. I'm strong yet broken. I'm whole but full of holes. 

-- my life is a battle. && right now it's raging. this day is spent with friends & families. both of which I have. this night is spent with movies & stories. both of which I have. right now is full of unloading. unloading the weight that I feel. the weight of hurt. of confusion. of annoyance. of tears that need to come out but my own stupid pride holds them in. 

-- yes, in the midst of my ranting & raving my thankfulness does not change because I am real & my heart is an open vault that sometimes can not contain it's bounty any longer. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

what comes to mind.

Wordle: what comes to mind
a few words that have crossed my mind lately. 
do any of them apply to you? 
please feel free to share your thoughts. 
~ Kali